The European Standardisation Organisations CEN, CENELEC and ETSI, are pleased to join forces with ENISA, the EU Agency for Cybersecurity, to organise the 8th Cybersecurity Standardisation Conference #Standards4Cyber.
The 2024 Conference will address the following topics:
- Shaping the future of European cybersecurity standardisation;
- Challenges related to the new legislation – How to tackle and keep track of the multiple regulatory requirements? How to better coordinate?
- Standards for new requirements on digital products – Where are we? What are our lessons learnt till now? Where are we heading?
- Standardisation of security of supply chains and their components – How to fulfil requirements stemming from new legal acts?
The event will be hybrid, favouring networking opportunities and live interactions for the onsite participants and speakers.
The conference aims to foster dialogue among policymakers, industry, research and standardisation organisations, in view of an effective implementation of the EU cybersecurity legislation. In 2023 the event attracted around 1700 stakeholders.
The Cybersecurity Standardisation Conference 2024 is paramount for INSTAR, as it aligns with our mission to promote EU values in the realm of international standards in key emerging technology, such as cybersecurity. This event fosters crucial collaboration and dialogue towards reinforcing the EU's leadership in global ICT standardisation and enhancing our collective approach to cybersecurity challenges.