Artificial Intelligence


The European Task Force on AI (AI-ETF) is a specialised groups of AI standardisation experts, integrating technical and industry expertise, dedicated to facilitating robust knowledge exchange and influencing the development of international AI standards in line with EU policies. 



The European Task Force on AI (AI-ETF) convenes leading European stakeholders involved and impacted by the development of AI standards to build an AI high-level standardisation framework (a standardisation roadmap) that can then be pursued and agreed with selected international partners, namely Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Australia, Canada, and the USA. 

This Task Force brings a unique value to the AI standardisation landscape through its focus on direct person-to-person exchanges and the development of comprehensive frameworks tailored to the AI sector

This approach ensures effective alignment with common visions and applications, differentiating them from existing standardisation working groups. 


Task Force results

The Task Force has developed the first version of the INSTAR Artificial Intelligence ETF - Roadmap Factsheet

This INSTAR factsheet is a concise, visually engaging document designed to serve as practical reference for the INSTAR stakeholders (EU and international policymakers, EU-funded projects, SDOs, and industrial players) to provide a clear summary of the European standardisation priorities identified by the Task Force.





Task Force leaders - Contact Information

ETF Leader

Christoph Schmittner

Christoph Schmittner

Senior Engineer
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
Erwin Schoitsch

Erwin Schoitsch

Senior Research Fellow
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

Task Force Members

Uwe Becker
Systems Engineer
Draegerwerk AG & Co. KGaA
Leonardo Chiariglione
President and Chairman of the Board
Ana Maria Carvalho de Almeida
Associate Professor
Iscte Instituto Universitario de Lisboa
Valerio Frascolla
Director of Research and Innovation
Daniel Fuchs
Assistant Professor
Humboldt University of Berlin
Suri Neeraj
Lancaster University
Distinguished Professor & Chair in Cyber Security
Paweł Rybicki
President of the Board of Directors
Homeland Security Institute EFIC
Antoine Sciberras
Expert - EU cybersecurity regulations
Mario Trapp
Executive Director | Full Professor
Fraunhofer IKS | TUM