INSTAR is an EU-funded project that aims to shape the future of international ICT standardisation by promoting EU values and interests in key emerging technologies (AI, Cybersecurity, Digital ID, Quantum, IoT, 5G, 6G and data) by collaborating with relevant entities from Australia, Canada, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, USA.

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INSTAR's role in the international ICT standardisation landscape

INSTAR represents a groundbreaking effort by the European Union to cement its global leadership in the formulation and adoption of international ICT standardisation across key emerging technologies, ensuring that European perspectives and standards are well-represented and influential in shaping the future of technology.

INSTAR operates across several pivotal technology domains, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cybersecurity, Digital Identity, Quantum Computing, the Internet of Things (IoT), Data and next-generation wireless technologies like 5G and 6G. These workstreams represent the forefront of technological innovation and are crucial areas where European leadership and influence in standardisation are vital.

Unlike similar initiatives, INSTAR stands apart through its comprehensive approach that integrates extensive data on standardisation, thanks to the work of the INSTAR Task Forces and Joint Committees, with strong individual relationships across Australia, Canada, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, USA. This unique combination enables effective knowledge sharing, policy formulation, and the development of harmonised global standards strategies, taking into account the specific nuances of each participating entity.


INSTAR European and International Task Forces

The INSTAR European Task Forces (ETFs) are specialised groups of European standardisation experts, integrating technical and industry expertise, dedicated to facilitating robust knowledge exchange and influencing the development of international standards in line with EU policies.

The INSTAR International Task Forces (ITFs) differ from the ETFs in their scope and operation. While Task Forces focus on direct communication and knowledge exchange, ITFs are geared towards establishing communication channels with the relevant entities and the development and implementation of high-level standard framework roadmaps for each technology domain, which are crucial for aligning international standardisation efforts with European strategies and policies and fostering a unified vision and actionable steps across different technology domains.

INSTAR's ETFs and ITFs bring a unique value to the standardisation landscape through their focus on direct person-to-person exchanges and the development of comprehensive frameworks tailored to specific technology sectors (AI, Cybersecurity, Digital ID, Quantum, IoT, 5G, 6G and data). This approach ensures effective alignment with common visions and applications, differentiating them from existing standardisation working groups.


Lasting Legacy of INSTAR

INSTAR aspires to leave a lasting legacy through the creation of a standards dashboard, offering a clear and comprehensive overview of the standardisation landscape. This tool aims to influence standardisation efforts, reinforcing Europe's leading position in cutting-edge innovations and facilitating the diffusion of innovative research into the private sector.

An example of INSTAR's potential impact on global ICT standards and policies can be seen in its commitment to sustainability. By fostering innovation in line with environmental, social, and economic considerations, INSTAR will influence the direction of global standards towards responsible and future-oriented technologies, demonstrating the EU's ability to shape global ICT standardisation landscapes.





Read our report to dive into the details of our project to discover how we aim to shape international standards in key emerging technologies.