EU and International Policymakers
EU and International Policymakers include the European Commission, the High-Level Forum on European Standardisation, and organisations supporting the policy activities in Australia, Canada, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan and the USA, such as the Japan Business Council in Europe.
By engaging with INSTAR, Policymakers can gain critical insights and evidence-based guidance to inform their decisions.
Policymakers should engage in our activities to gather bottom-up EU standardisation priorities identified by the community, promote top-down priorities, and ensure alignment with international like-minded partners.
This participation not only aligns EU and global interests but also harmonises international standards and legislation, reinforcing European values on the global stage.

EU-Funded projects
This stakeholder group encompasses EU-funded research projects from initiatives like Horizon Europe and Digital Europe Programme that share a common ground with INSTAR in their commitment to advancing ICT standardisation in AI, Cybersecurity, Digital ID, Quantum Technologies, IoT, Cloud, 5G, 6G and Data Technologies.
By joining INSTAR activities, EU-funded projects' will enhance their impact and visibility in global standardisation.
Their results could be leveraged to contribute significantly to international standardisation efforts, enhancing their influence and visibility in international standardisation arenas.
By engaging with the project, EU-funded projects not only extend the reach and impact of their research but also strengthen the integration of European standards worldwide.
International, Regional and National Standard Development Organisations (SDOs), such as ISO, ETSI and CEN-CENELEC, are responsible for creating and maintaining international (ISO) and harmonised (ETSI and CEN-CENELEC) standards.
By engaging with INSTAR, SDOs, gain access to timely insights to ensure alignment between European standardisation and policy priorities.
Their Technical Committees (TCs) and Working Groups (WGs) are crucial to our project’s goals to ensure that European interests are consistently represented and advocated for in global ICT standardisation discussions and decisions.
By engaging with INSTAR, SDOs will have access to the project’s results and insights, which could be used to inform and guide their ongoing standardisation activities.

Industrial Players
Industrial players, including Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and Large Enterprises from the sectors covered by the INSTAR workstreams, are critical stakeholders as they are directly impacted by and can significantly influence international ICT standardisation processes and possess a deep understanding of the unique challenges and requirements within their respective industries.
By joining INSTAR activities, industrial players will gain a competitive advantage by ensuring product compliance and accelerating market adoption.
By participating in standardisation activities relevant to their emerging technologies, Industrial Players not only enhance their reputation but also ensure product compatibility across markets, driving faster adoption of new technologies and reducing the risk of costly market fragmentation.