3 June 2024 09:00 – 6 June 2024 13:00
Antwerp, Belgium

The COmmunication, NAvigation, SENsing and SErvices (CONASENSE) event is an interdisciplinary 6G brainstorming and dissemination platform that aims to foster the development of novel 6G digital services to support the further development of society.
The definition of a sustainable 6G ecosystem requires an interdisciplinary debate that can bring together experts from different fields, including communications, sensing, human-centric and sustainable services. Driving this vision from a technology perspective is the use of virtualisation and softwarisation to support many active devices while integrating a high degree of adaptability.
CONASENSE 2024 focuses on the need to address such adaptation from a cross-layer perspective, where computation and networking are intertwined via softwarisation and via an AI-based knowledge plane.
The main objective of the workshop is to bring together an interdisciplinary perspective on 6G, stemming from research being developed in Europe and other continents. The workshop will be driven by the 6G CONASENSE platform, with the support of the HE CODECO (cognitive continuum), HE NEMO (next generation meta-OS) and HE INSTAR (cross-country standardisation) projects.
The workshop proposes to bring together novel work across complementary 6G perspectives: communications; satellites and navigation; sensing; 6G use cases and services.

INSTAR at the event

INSTAR is one of the projects that is the basis for the workshop; Rute C. Sofia, from Fortiss, will be presenting the project during the workshop to raise awareness of the need to address research-standardisation alignment, focusing specifically on 6G. 

During the INSTAR short presentation, Rute will explain what INSTAR is and the goal of its Task Forces, focusing particularly on the 5G/6G European Task Force and its developments. 

If you want to join the 5G/6G European Task Force, make sure to join our community!