Webinar: INSTAR Roadmaps. Mapping future priority topics with our European Task Forces.

11 October 2024 11:00–12:00

INSTAR Roadmaps: Mapping future priority topics with our European Task Forces 

11 October 2024 | 11:00 – 12:00 CEST


We are excited to announce the second webinar in the INSTAR series, titled "INSTAR Roadmaps: Mapping future priority topics with our European Task Forces." This event is designed to offer invaluable perspectives drawn from the work of INSTAR's European Task Forces, particularly tailored to those involved in shaping international standards and policies within the ICT landscape.



As the global drive for digital transformation intensifies, the role of standards development organisations (SDOs) and policymakers becomes more critical than ever. This webinar will present the latest developments in INSTAR's roadmap, aimed at fostering alignment and collaboration across international standardisation efforts. Participants will gain insights into how these roadmaps can guide the priorities of SDOs, facilitate policymaking, and enhance engagement with international experts to ensure the global success of emerging technologies.

Following a comprehensive introduction by the project coordinator, and a few words on the priorities highlighted by the European Commission, an introduction to the INSTAR roadmaps followed by a panel discussion with our European Task Forces members will give you a deeper insight on the INSTAR ETFs roadmaps recommendations for SDOs, Policymakers, and International Standardisation Experts to achieve international standardisation priorities alignment. 

Join us for a comprehensive overview of INSTAR’s mission, key recommendations from the European Task Forces, and a chance to engage with thought leaders who are steering the future of standardisation across sectors. Whether you're a policymaker, an SDO, or an expert in international standards, this event will provide you with practical guidance and opportunities to engage with the ongoing efforts of INSTAR. 


  • 11:00 - 11:05 | Welcome
    Tanya Suarez (BluSpecs and INSTAR Coordinator) 
    Opening presentation to provide a comprehensive overview of INSTAR, outline the context for the discussion and
    expectations for the webinar.
  • 11:05 - 11:10 | European Commission priorities in the current landscape and future expectations
    Carlos Lopez Rodriguez (EC DG CNECT Policy Officer, Head of ICT Standardisation Sector) 
    This session will provide the context for the discussions regarding the EU’s role and contribution to the global ICT standardisation landscape.
  • 11:10 - 11:20 | INSTAR Roadmaps status 
    Damir Filipovic (AIOTI Secretary General)
    This session will introduce the INSTAR Roadmaps, their content, their development so far and their future trajectory. 
  • 11:20 - 11:40 | Panel Discussion with the European Task Forces' Experts and the Digital Partnership in Action (DPA) project 
    Tanya Suarez (BluSpecs and INSTAR Coordinator), ETFs Experts, Gianluca Misuraca (Coordinator of Digital Partnership in Action – TBC)
    This session will be an open discussion among the ETFs experts and the audience on the INSTAR ETFs roadmaps recommendations for SDOs, Policymakers, and International Standardisation Experts to achieve international standardisation priorities alignment, highlighting why each of them should engage with the INSTAR ETFs, how to engage and what will be the benefit for them.
  • 11:40 - 11:55 | Use Cases
    ETFs Experts  
    This session will introduce a Best Practice from a successful EU standard implementation within an international partner entity. 
  • 11:55 - 12:00 | Q&A and INSTAR next steps
    Tanya Suarez (BluSpecs and INSTAR Coordinator)
    This session will provide an overview of the upcoming activities of INSTAR. This session includes Q&A with the audience.




INSTAR Roadmaps webinar